Busta's Dev Blog

Roguelike - Part 1 - The Beginning 2018-06-24 00:00:00 +0000

Today I decided to write a blog post about game development. Hope this will motivate me to continue with my projects.

As this will be the first one of a series about this specific game, I will begin with the motivation to create the game itself.

In 2015 I started developing Unity games for good and earning money for it. Thanks to a Supernova Games project titled Rogue Hearts. Unfortunately, the project ended being canceled. Rogue Hearts Alpha (Facebook)

But to make that project, I ended up meeting a little game called Cardinal Quest 2, which was used as one of the benchmarks for the project.

http://cardinalquest2.com/ (Seriously, if you never played that game, do it now! It’s on Android, iOS, and Steam as well!)

Roguelikes, in general, are one of my favorites game genres, and since it’s a game with a great mobile user experience, CQ2 is on the top of my list for games of its category.

To become a mobile game, it ended up simplifying diverse aspects of the Roguelike genre. Due to that, it started being called a “Roguelite” game. It does not have a whole lot of content, randomness is controlled it has some limited strategies.

Back to Rogue Hearts, in that year of 2015, I went to a big Unity event called Unite Brasil, which happened at the same time as SBGames (Brasil Games Simposium), where we presented the games we were developing. There’s a blog post about it:


On that event, new features were announced and made available for early access, like many 2D tools and the Tilemap editor.


After those features were released, I decided to go with my own Roguelike game. And I decided to use CQ2 as a base to work my game on, for the mentioned reasons. Since then I started making notes on my game development document.

Now, with Unity 2017.4 release having almost all necessary features to make my life easier, I decided to continue with my project.

Like I mentioned, almost. Pixel perfection feature is not available yet, so I decided to make my own, and then I decided to make a blog post about it: (Roguelike Part 2)!

PS: Check out the CQ2 dev blog too! It’s amazing and taught me a bit about game designing a roguelike game: http://wootfu.com/category/cardinal-quest/
